jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

Loíza Library Link

Loíza Library Link is an organization founded by our friends at Smith College to support the efforts of our library as it evolves to meet the needs of the community. To facilitate our goals and objectives, we have established a working relationship with higher learning institutions, industrial and professional advisory groups as well as individuals. Our goal is to equip our library with the necessary tools to estimulate intellectual growth by providing free access to information, preserving and promoting local cultural awareness, and the execution of innovative educational projects. If you wish to joing us, please send us an email to ldpizarro@municipiodeloiza.net .

Some of our friends:

Loiza Library Link, Smith College, MA
2 year subscription to Newsweek, 1 yr subscription to motor Trend, and 1 yr subscription to National Geographic en Español.
Julio Alves, Director Jacobson Center, Smith College - Books, computers, and mentoring.
Patricia Wagner - Books, magazines, chidren materials, etc.
Shannon Fitzpatrick - 1 yr subscrption to Sports Illustrated.
Gloria Altieri - Books and other materials.
Selenia Santana - Books, resource for activities.
Kelly Tondo - 1 yr subscription to Popular Mechanics.
Nosotras, Smith College - 86 new fiction and non-fiction books for all ages in Spanish.
Patricia Lord - Chess set.
Ellen Sandhaus - Children books.
Sandra Castro - Mentoring and training.
Sistema de Bibliotecas Municipio de Carolina - Training.
Dra. Ada M. Felicié - Mentoring, training, resource for activities.
Zayra Badillo - Resource, training.
Gadiel Pagán - Construction materials, other donations.
Carlos Polaco - Chess tutor, IT.
Juan Pérez - Resource for trainings, IT.
Lcdo. Marcos Rivera - Mentoring.
Lcdo. Luis Castro - Mentoring.
Benjamin Rivera - Mentoring.
Pedro La Viera - Vegigante masks.
Samuel Lind - Posters, wall pictures.
Rosamary Berrios - Loiza DVDs.
Mary Cruz (ENDE) - Free newspapers.
Rafael López - Libros.
Carmen Pereira - Materials, books, paint.
Marilia del Valle - volunteer work cataloging our books.
Lourdes Págan (BPPR) - Cash donations for activities.
Prof. Wilfredo Díaz - Books.
Elvin Cruz - Landscape, plants, other decorations and books.
Hope Lindsay - Children books.
(List in progress)
Our Wish List:

Books: children's and young adult books in Spanish / Bilingual, reference, encyclopedias, etc.
Magazine subscriptions
Board games
Children's art supplies
Office materials (toner, ink, paper, etc.)

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